This two picture combo released Sunday, Jan. 20, 2008 by Madeline McCann's parents shows two new artist impressions of a man they claim could be involved in their daughters disappearance. The sketches are based on a description given by a British holidaymaker. (AP/Carl Court/PA)

Andre Fernando Riquelme is wanted for first-degree murder and two counts of attempted murder after a gunfight in Toronto. (HO)

Gavin George Storer is wanted for first degree murder in death of man during a home invasion. (HO)

Composite drawings of the suspect in the Jan. 27, 1998 murder of Renée Sweeney, a 23-year-old Laurentian student who was stabbed to death at the adult video store where she worked. (HO)

Fu Kwok Wei is wanted on two counts of first degree murder after a double homicide outside a karaoke club in Ottawa on Dec. 6, 2005. (HO)